Apollo Energy publishes a daily energy market analysis, focusing on the gas, power and oil markets including a commentary on how the markets close and open. Our analysis provides insight on how the markets are performing and also considers various factors which could dictate price changes in the future. 

The analysis also contains a graph which tracks the one-year forward price of both gas and electricity as well as changes to Brent crude oil. 

Energy Market Analysis - 28-05-2014

Energy Market Analysis - 28-05-2014

28th May 2014 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Some downward movement is expected this afternoon as commercial demand levels are set to drop tomorrow due to a public holiday in Europe.

Energy Market Analysis - 27-05-2014

Energy Market Analysis - 27-05-2014

27th May 2014 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Spot power prices moved slightly higher yesterday as the UK gas system is rather tight at present due to a number of outages at power plants in Europe.

Energy Market Analysis - 23-05-2014

Energy Market Analysis - 23-05-2014

23rd May 2014 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Spot power prices were on the rise yesterday as a result of lower thermal supply, reduced coal & lignite-fired generation and an outage at a German nuclear power plant.

Energy Market Analysis - 22-05-2014

Energy Market Analysis - 22-05-2014

22nd May 2014 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Spot power prices moved down yesterday as wind generation levels ramped up on the continent and demand levels were rather low.

Energy Market Analysis - 21-05-2014

Energy Market Analysis - 21-05-2014

21st May 2014 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas prices inched higher yesterday as a drop in overall gas flows due to reduced output from Norway and South Hook supported the bulls; scheduled maintenance also offered support.