Apollo Energy publishes a daily energy market analysis, focusing on the gas, power and oil markets including a commentary on how the markets close and open. Our analysis provides insight on how the markets are performing and also considers various factors which could dictate price changes in the future.
The analysis also contains a graph which tracks the one-year forward price of both gas and electricity as well as changes to Brent crude oil.
Energy Market Analysis - 17-04-2013
17th April 2013 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis
Spot prices are likely to fall tomorrow thanks to much improved wind production in Germany and higher nuclear production in France.
Energy Market Analysis - 16-04-2013
16th April 2013 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis
Spot prices once again took a bearish direction with French nuclear generation having an effect, which is expected to improve in the next few days now a number of plants that were subject to maintenance are now back online.
Energy Market Analysis - 15-04-2013
15th April 2013 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis
The outcome of the EU Parliament vote on backloading will be concluded over the next couple of days which will affect spot prices and dictate which direction the market turns.
Energy Market Analysis - 12-04-2013
12th April 2013 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis
Spot prices were affected by higher solar production and lower consumption levels while prices on the far curve varied with coal and gas costs helping to balance the bearish trend in the market.
Energy Market Analysis - 11-04-2013
11th April 2013 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis
Spot prices continue to look bearish especially in France as lower demand is expected in the coming days and consumption will go down.