Apollo Energy publishes a daily energy market analysis, focusing on the gas, power and oil markets including a commentary on how the markets close and open. Our analysis provides insight on how the markets are performing and also considers various factors which could dictate price changes in the future. 

The analysis also contains a graph which tracks the one-year forward price of both gas and electricity as well as changes to Brent crude oil. 

energy price graph - 30-11-2020

Energy Market Analysis – 30-11-2020

30th November 2020 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

A higher demand forecast for this week helped towards gains on the near gas curve on Friday, although an expected rise in wind levels offered some resistance as gas-fired power demand has decreased as a result. Further out, prices were slightly bullish, despite a retracement in oil prices.

energy price graph - 27-11-2020

Energy Market Analysis – 27-11-2020

27th November 2020 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Temperatures are set to fall below the seasonal norm during December and the renewable power outlook is weak, resulting in gains on the prompt and the rest of the near curve. Longer dated contracts were supported by bullish coal and oil.

energy price graph - 26-11-2020

Energy Market Analysis – 26-11-2020

26th November 2020 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas prices strengthened across the curve yesterday, dictated by high demand for gas-fired power, a colder weather outlook and a recovering oil market. Coal and carbon markets also continued to strengthen, adding to the bullish sentiment.

energy price graph - 25-11-2020

Energy Market Analysis – 25-11-2020

25th November 2020 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas prices were largely bearish yesterday apart from the prompt which increased on the back of an expected drop in temperatures and renewable power. Any losses recorded towards the back of the curve were limited by bullish coal and oil.

energy price graph - 24-11-2020

Energy Market Analysis – 24-11-2020

24th November 2020 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas followed bullish coal, carbon and oil during Monday’s session, although an oversupplied system kept a lid on near curve contracts despite a drop in temperatures and an increase in CCGT demand.