10th December 2020 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas Power
Market Close Market Close
Planned maintenance in Norway was expected to limit flows into the UK today, resulting in some upward movement on the near curve, although this was offset by the forecast of mild and windier weather. Contracts further out displayed minor increases, following the overall energy complex. An expected rise in wind generation today helped the prompt record a strong loss on Wednesday, while mild temperatures prevented gains on the rest of the near curve. Meanwhile, bullish coal and carbon helped towards some minor increases further out.
Market Open Market Open
Gas prices have opened strongly this morning, with maintenance in Norway reducing imports into the UK and offering support to the prompt. An oversupplied system offered resistance, while the far curve increased on the back of rising fuel markets. Wind levels have improved today and are expected to hold current levels tomorrow, combined with mild weather for this time of year. This has helped the prompt record another loss, although the rest of the near curve has followed a rise in gas.

For a breakdown of the current generation mix visit our Power Generation Insights page.

Brent Summary

Brent Crude remains bullish and oil markets have been buoyed by news that the US could start rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine which has been made available in the UK this week.

1-year forward prices

Market close data has revealed that the 1-year forward price for both commercial gas & commercial electricity increased, closing at 39.67ppt and £48.65/MWh, respectively.

Today’s prices can also be found in an easy to read table on our ‘current UK energy price' page.

Click graph to enlarge

energy price graph - 10-12-2020

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