Gas | Power |
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Far-curve gas prices inched higher on Monday, finding support from bullish movement on coal and oil markets. However, the majority of contracts at the front of the curve displayed losses, helped by mild weather and improved Norwegian supply which led to a long system. | The Chief of the ASN announced that all nuclear power plants in France are at systematic risk and extended maintenance is required to upgrade ageing facilities. This news resulted in increases across European energy markets yesterday afternoon, with supportive coal and oil markets also contributing factors. |
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Gas demand is expected to rise slightly over the coming days as temperatures are forecast to fall back to the seasonal norm, resulting in gains across the near-curve. The system remains well-supplied this morning, restricting some of the upward movement but the far-curve has been pushed higher by further increases on the coal market. | Day-Ahead power has increased this morning as colder temperatures and weaker wind generation is expected over the coming days. The French nuclear situation continues to offer support to European contracts, while coal displays a further increase. |
For a breakdown of the current generation mix visit our Power Generation Insights page.
Brent Summary Brent prices eased down yesterday but display further gains this morning with on-going tension in Iraq providing support, as oil supply in the Middle East has been disrupted. Temporary shutdowns occurred at 2 major oil fields in Kirkuk, restricting over 50% of Kurdish output. 1-year forward prices Market close data has revealed that the 1-year forward price for both commercial gas & commercial electricity increased – closing at 46.82ppt and £45.94/MWh, respectively. Today’s prices can also be found in an easy to read table on our ‘current UK energy price' page. |
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