24th January 2020 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Industry News

The UK government has set itself ambitious carbon emission targets and businesses will be required to play a major part if the nation is to become net zero.

Business in the UK must become more sustainable and environmentally conscious over the coming years if they are to avoid penalties and play their part in future-proofing the country’s energy system. This could include investing in renewable energy projects, changing their usage habits and implementing a range of energy saving technology.

Further legislation changes are also likely to be announced later in the year following the COP26 UN Climate Change Summit in November which will see 30,000 experts, politician & business leaders outline new plans to prevent a climate crisis.

Below are four core areas businesses must consider to reduce its emissions.

Digital Energy Reporting

Making use of software to track real-time energy usage can be a valuable tool in order to reduce carbon emissions and costs. Investment in reporting and analysis tools is expected to grow significantly as more than 11,000 unquoted companies will be eligible to submit energy and carbon reports as part of SECR.

Understanding usage and how this energy is generated can help to optimise performance and result in an increased return on investment.

Decarbonising Heat

Heating accounts for over 1/3 of the UK’s carbon emissions and a transformation in the way buildings produce heat will be required over the next decade.

Technology is already in place to help decarbonise heat, such as heat pumps, hydrogen injection and combined heat and power systems (CHP), however, these projects must work alongside other innovations to avoid placing too much strain on the grid. As such, we can expect to see significant investment and research in this area to ensure the technology is affordable and viable for businesses.

Development in Electric Vehicles

Transportation is one of the world’s biggest carbon producers and the shift to electric vehicles is expected to accelerate. Organisations, large and small are investing in electric car charging points for their fleet and employees, while transportation networks in major cities are also moving towards 100% electrification.

Diversify Energy Sources

Energy security has become a major talking point as the government looks to make networks and businesses more resilient. It is recommended that organisations conduct regular risk assessments to highlight how they can protect themselves and reduce their reliance of the grid.

Installing on-site renewable energy projects (I.E. solar PV and wind turbines) can help safeguard businesses against high energy prices during peak times.

Advancements in battery storage are also expected to make the technology more feasible for businesses and could play a major role in decarbonising the UK.

Any energy strategy must be built around the reduction of carbon emissions going forward even if it presents many challenges.

Apollo Energy can help your business in numerous ways, from analysing your usage, helping with audits, identifying energy saving opportunities and providing assistance with your corporate and social responsibility (CSR) plan.

Get in touch with one of our consultants today by calling us on 01257 239500, or by emailing us at [email protected].