energy price graph - 23-11-2018

Energy Market Analysis – 23-11-2018

23rd November 2018 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas prices showed little change during yesterday’s session, with some support provided by a rise in coal and carbon markets, although bearish oil offered resistance. Colder weather also lifted demand levels, limiting any losses at the front of the curve.

energy price graph - 22-11-2018

Energy Market Analysis – 22-11-2018

22nd November 2018 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas prices displayed no clear trend yesterday with the prompt and winter contracts showing small gains and far-curve prices moving down slightly. Longer dated contracts ignored rising coal and oil markets, while the near-curve was supported by a higher demand forecast.

energy price graph - 21-11-2018

Energy Market Analysis – 21-11-2018

21st November 2018 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas prices were relatively unchanged during Tuesday’s session despite a sharp drop in oil prices and weaker coal. A cold outlook for December restricted downward movement at the front of the curve, while a balanced system offered little direction to the prompt.

energy price graph - 20-11-2018

Energy Market Analysis – 20-11-2018

20th November 2018 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

An upward revision in the short term weather forecasts helped to weigh on contracts at the front of the gas curve yesterday, with Front-Month and the prompt showing the biggest losses, assisted by a long system. Further out, prices were pressured down by weaker coal and carbon, ignoring a small gain by Brent.

energy price graph - 19-11-2018

Energy Market Analysis – 19-11-2018

19th November 2018 | Posted by: Daniel Birkett | Market Analysis

Gas prices eased down on Friday, pressured down by weaker coal, while carbon and oil markets were almost flat. A drop in demand also helped towards a long gas system which helped to weigh on the prompt. Temperatures for the remainder of the month were also revised higher.