Recent statistics from Opus Energy have shown that most small to medium sized businesses are not taking advantage of smart metering technology.
Businesses in the UK are said to be "missing a trick" according to energy provider, Opus Energy as 87% of companies do not have smart metering installed to help them save energy and money. A panel of 1,000 small to medium sized business (SMEs) were questioned and 61% don't effectively use the information from their energy meter to make savings. 26% of the businesses who did use their energy meter data used it for budgeting purposes while the other 23% used it to change their company's energy usage.
The SMEs who were interviews said the functions of the smart energy meter that they find useful are; providing accurate readings rather than estimates, real-time energy usage and the ability to program the smart meter to turn certain appliances off at peak usage times. A Government policy has been put in place which states all businesses with profile class 05-08 electricity supplies must have a smart meter installed by 2014. This new requirement will no doubt lead to a backlog of installations so companies are encouraged to change over quickly. Apollo Energy can help your business replace their existing meter hassle free and our in-house account managers will ensure you get the best service possible.